Bye Bye American Pie

The thing about this country, even in the midst of turmoil, there lives a strong patriotic heartbeat. It has always been what makes America resilient. On July 4, loyal Americans will march in parades as millions of their fellow citizens watch with pride. The passing of the Stars and Stripes will cause many backbones to stiffen and bring salutes from the military and from those who honor them. While the pandemic may have thrown us a roadblock, Americans are refusing to yield.

Yet on this day, many of our people will offer no salutes, feel no sense of pride, and pledge no allegiance to the flag. Some because of indifference or calloused hearts; others to work to tear the fabric of our national life to shreds – to worsen, not heal our sickness; to destroy, not to build; to bring dissent, not unity, to the nation.

We aren’t the first generation to go through a turbulent climax while leading a march of the counterculture. In 1971, Miss American Pie became an anthem for an entire generation who had tired of civil injustice. Today we are all still in one place; it’s just a new generation Lost in Space. We still want to know Who broke the church bells? Who was the jester who sang for the king and queen? Can music save our mortal souls?

American Pie

What was revealed the day the music died? The dark underside of our cherished institution. I submit, however, there are more loving Americans who will place one hand over heart and pledge allegiance to “One Nation Under God” while grabbing for the hand of their neighbor with the other. To me patriotism is not dead; love of country is not archaic, and the American Dream remains alive and well. Today for me, the music will play. I will stand and sing when Sergeants across the country strike up a marching tune. And I will continue to dream of Chevys, whiskey & rye, and apple pie.

Salted Caramel Apple Pie Bar recipe courtesy #sallysbakingaddiction
