Poached Salmon with a Creamy Dill Sauce & Marinated White Balsamic Cucumber Salad

Poached Salmon with a Creamy Dill Sauce & Marinated White Balsamic Vinegar Cucumber Salad

For generations, females have collectively tried to leave the entire “women bringing down other women” narrative behind. It’s outdated, rude, and honestly just not my vibe. Today, society should be all about building women up, and that starts with women building bonds, and strong ones at that. Even if the goal is to build your ultimate girl gang, many women still struggle to create female friendships. Whatever the reason, it’s a darn travesty. Female friendships can truly be some of the most rewarding, fulfilling, supportive, and let’s face it real relationships we can have.

Women simply get each other. Sure, men are great, but the emotional connection and empathy women feel when talking to another woman is unparalleled. Women aren’t afraid of getting emotional with their friends or venting their hearts out to one another. We can naturally communicate all of our feelings with just a look and comfortably talk about anything—and I do mean anything.

Close girlfriends are your ride-or-die. They are the best cheerleaders, big sisters, and confidence builders. No matter what, you know you can rely on your best female friend to have your back or pull you out of a dark spot. True girlfriends are loyal to the core and that sets them apart.

Female friendships allow you to have a safe space to visit whenever you need to vent. Your girlfriends will listen, share your feelings, reason with you, and probably hype you up afterward. Even if you’re struggling with your mental health or admitting you screwed up in a certain area of your life, true girlfriends won’t judge or cut you off. Furthermore, it’s been shown that same-sex friendships are beneficial in times of stress, and as women, we know a lot about stress.

Having female friends is amazing because you have a group of like-minded individuals that can relate to your struggles. Whether that is dealing with your most recent encounter of mansplaining or mood swings from menopause, your girls simply know how it feels. They help you feel understood even in your worst moments. Let’s face it, women are way more emotionally inclined than men. They can easily empathize with people and feel for their struggles. Women are empathetic to the core, and that’s something you can always rely on.

Confident women love to hype other strong women. They love feeling confident and safe, which is why they make other women feel that way whenever they can. If you make a new female friend, chances are they’ll be the first to comment on your latest social media post and shower you with compliments, while also relying on them to be there on your darkest hours. Whenever you need to get something off your chest, your girl squad will listen.

Making friends can be intimidating and hard; however, you’ll never regret putting yourself out there and meeting a group of amazing women. In a world where masculine traits are sought after like crazy, it’s amazing to have a group of like-minded women by your side. The feminine energy is strong, resilient, kind, motherly, honest, and uplifting. Tapping into this side of yourself among other women will help you understand who you are on a whole other level.

My oldest and dearest friends are a life force for me, and we’ve stayed close because we put in the effort. No matter what has gone on in our lives—moves across the country, career changes, marriages, child-rearing, divorces, death—we’ve always found ways to prioritize our connection. They have been at the center of my life for most of it. They know where all the proverbial bodies are buried. When we see each other, we still see the 20-year-old girls that we once were. We can never be old in one another’s eyes.

A true girl squad is for life. Friendships are one of the most important aspects of your life, so you better value them. No matter if you have more male or female friends, just be sure to cherish those bonds and stick to them in the long run. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and make friendships that will last you a lifetime. And after reading this you still need someone to cheer you on, I've got my pompoms, and I'm ready to roll.

Poached Salmon with a Creamy Dill Sauce & Marinated White Balsamic Vinegar Cucumber Salad


For the Salmon

  • 4 skin-on salmon fillets, 6 ounces each
  • 1 ½ - 2 cups fish stock (any stock or water will work)
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1 shallot, sliced
  • 1 medium fennel bulb, sliced
  • 8 stems fresh dill (other fine herb like parsley, cilantro or mint)
  • Salt and fresh ground black pepper

For the Sauce

  • ¼ heaping cup plain whole milk yogurt
  • ¼ heaping cup mayonnaise
  • Zest of a lemon plus 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 3 garlic clovesgrated or finely minced
  • ½ teaspoon onion powder
  • 1½ tablespoons chopped fresh dill
  • salt and fresh cracked pepper

For the Salad

  • 1 pound English cucumbers mandolined into thin rounds
  • 1 small red onion , peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons white balsamic vinegar (also know as white wine condiment)
  • 2 teaspoons cider vinegar
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper
  • ¼ cup fresh dill leaves, chopped


For the Salmon

  1. Make a bed of lemon slices, shallot, and fennel in the bottom of a wide skillet with a lid.
  2. Lightly season the salmon fillets with salt and pepper, then place them, skin side down, on the lemon slices, shallot, and fennel.
  3. Scatter fresh dill around the pan and on top of the salmon.
  4. Pour in the fish stock. The liquid does not need to cover the salmon. Since we are cooking it with the lid on, the salmon will poach, even if the liquid does not cover them.
  5. Place the skillet over medium-high heat and bring to a simmer. When the liquid is aggressively simmering, turn the heat to low and cover the skillet with its lid.
  6. Cook until an internal temperature thermometer reads between 125°F to 130°F or when you pierce the thickest part of the salmon with a fork, 5 to 12 minutes, depending on how thick the salmon fillets are. While you can eat the vegetables, I find that the lemon turns them too bitter. 

For the Sauce

In a small bowl, stir together the yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, onion powder, and dill. Add salt and pepper to taste. Chill until ready to use.

For the Salad

  1. Combine the sliced cucumbers in a colander set inside a medium-sized bowl and sprinkle with salt and sugar. Place in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
  2. Drain the cucumbers. Add the onion, vinegars, water, pepper, and dill.
  3. Serve or refrigerate. The cucumbers will become more pickled as they sit.
