The Truth About Living A Lie


While making one of Ina Garten's dishes last night, I couldn't help but try to impersonate her in the kitchen. Let's face it; the woman can do anything. But the truth about feeling like a lie, also known as Imposter Syndrome, is something I struggled with for a very long time. It seems reasonable that something like this has been around since the beginning of human history. It’s also understandable that these issues would be magnified in the stressful world we live in today.

Social media has allowed us to connect with the world around us in ways that we could have never imagined just a couple of decades ago, but it’s also created a host of new problems. One of the biggest complaints many people have, especially in this age of “influencers,” is that our online lives can seem shallow and fake. When we only showcase our best moments, it can give the impression that our lives are better than they actually are. The implications of social media, filters, and photoshop and how they can distort our expectations of ourselves and others. Exhibit A – the show your watching isn’t just about Kardashians; it’s about keeping up with them.

As a result, we try to create a feed that looks polished and accomplished, and we may feel validation when people like and follow our content, but it can feel like a house of cards for many. Most of us can think of a time when someone questioned our authenticity on social media. That sinking feeling, when you’ve been publicly challenged, can be particularly tough for those dealing with imposter syndrome — especially if the comment comes from someone with a well-manicured, highly-followed profile of their own.

When your world is spinning and it feels like everyone knows you’re a big phony, it can be hard to have some perspective. I’ll readily admit to wanting to crawl into a hole and disappear when my vulnerabilities have been exposed for the world to see, even when it was my own doing. When you’re feeling doubtful about your skills and worthiness, don’t give in to the temptation to run and hide. Instead, take the age-old advice and “fake it ‘till you make it.”

At the end of the day, remember this one simple truth — you’re more amazing and capable than you’ve ever imagined. When thoughts of "Who do you think you are? You don’t belong here," start to creep in remember to embrace your true self.  Give yourself permission to be flawed and surrounded by people who love and support you for being you. God only makes originals. So while you may think you’re living your life as an imposter, you’re really one of a kind.

Creamy Cucumber Salad recipe courtesy of Ina Garten from The Food Network.
